I went to one of my favorite shops the other day - Traveler's Market. I love to look at all the booths, some of which have antique pieces. There is one that has fun beads from all over the world. This is what I found (click on the picture to view larger):
Treasures from Traveler's Market |
There was a little rabbit and the cutest donkey, along with the buffalo and fox (I think) fetishes at the bead place. I'm not sure what I'll do with all these, though we are working with Rabbit in SouLodge this month, and I think she needs a special something. The bone piece with the holes will become a one of a kind necklace, I think.
The little wolf was found in one of the collectibles booths. He is one of a series that was made at the turn of the century. There were all kinds of little ceramic animals, many of which I'd seen before. I'd never seen the wolf, and since he is one of my guides, of course I had to have him!
I also got the most wonderful owl pouch and dish towel in the mail from one of my favorite artists,
Arounna Khounnoraj, from
Bookhou. I tried to take pictures, but I couldn't do better than the ones she has, so you'll find the link for the pouch in her first name and the towel in the shop name so you can see. If you've never seen or had a piece of hers, she is well worth checking out. I own several now, and am saving for a bag. Guess you could say I'm hooked!!